When Brittney asked me to partner in working on a Spanish language version of her book, I could not say yes fast enough. Not only did it allow me to encourage and connect with more children, but even more specifically, it gave me the chance to further connect our young, Spanish-speaking minds with the idea of following their dreams. Being an immigrant myself and growing up speaking two languages, I have read many books and stories in which the true essence of the theme gets lost in translation. It was my pleasure to make sure that did not happen with Summer’s story— La Meteoróloga en Mí!
Violeta is an Emmy-winning bilingual meteorologist for Telemundo62 and NBC10 in Philadelphia.
Born in Mar del Plata, Argentina and raised in North Jersey, Violeta attended Rutgers University, where she received a bachelor’s degree in Journalism & Media Studies, with a minor in Spanish. She later earned her Certificate of Broadcast Meteorology from Mississippi State University.
Violeta has forecast the weather at the local, national, and international level, having started her career at AccuWeather in 2010. She has appeared nationally on Fox News, Fox Business, ABC World News Now, and The Big Ten Network, as well as internationally on various networks in Bolivia, Panama and across Latin America.
Violeta relocated to Philadelphia in 2014 to help launch Telemundo's first ever local newscast in the area-- Noticiero Telemundo62. She has since received two regional Emmy nominations for 'Best Weather Anchor'.
Violeta is proud of her South American roots and passionate about mentoring and encouraging young people of all backgrounds to set goals, work hard and embrace what's unique about them. She regularly guest lectures for the journalism department at her alma mater, and is a strong supporter of the Boys & Girls Clubs-- having participated as a child.
Violeta Yas es una meteoróloga bilingue en Telemundo62 y NBC10 en Filadelfia, y ganadora de dos premios Emmy.
Nacida en Mar del Plata, Argentina y criada en el norte de Nueva Jersey, Violeta asistió a Rutgers University, donde recibió su Licenciatura en Periodismo y estudios de los Medios de Comunicación, con concentración secundaria en Español. Luego, obtuvo su Certificado de Meteorología en Mississippi State University.
Violeta ha pronosticado el tiempo a nivel local, nacional, e internacional, habiendo comenzado su carrera en AccuWeather en el año 2010. Sus pronósticos han aparecido nacionalmente en Fox News, Fox Business, ABC World News Now, y en Big Ten Network, como así también en otros canales internacionales de Bolivia, Panamá, y otras partes de latinoamerica.
En el año 2014 se trasladó a Filadelfia para ser parte del lanzamiento del primer noticiero local de Telemundo en esa zona, "Noticiero Telemundo62". Hasta la fecha, ha recibido dos nominaciones a los premios Emmys como "Mejor Presentadora del Tiempo".
Violeta esta muy orgullosa de sus raíces suramericanas, y también de animar a los jóvenes de todos los países a que se pongan metas y que las lleven a cabo. Esto es lo que le apasiona. Regularmente regresa a Rutgers University como oradora invitada para el departamento de periodismo, mientras sigue apoyando arduamente a los Boys & Girls Clubs , donde asistía cuando era una niña.